Happy New Year!

As the old year crumbles into the new, there is just one thing I can't shake & that's the idea of support.
There are so many people who, throughout the years, have believed in the madness of Lesley-Ann. I for one, think that is a VERY GOOD thing. Why? Cause it keeps me afloat.
It's a great solace to know that there are people out there who believe in me. So, the first props goes out to Mother #1--My mother, Beryl Ann-Rose Brown. She always told me I can be a writer and guess what? I am!
My sister--Shelley-Ann D'Anna Balbirsingh--Always there when I need her and she's like creative genius #1. If you guys think I'm a lot with my hats, publishing venture, blog and music, well you should see who inspires me! Shelley, You have been through a LOT these last couple of years. I know losing Anthony was like losing your heart. He was the love of your life but he has left you with the greatest gift ever: That of believing in yourself. He believes in you, I believe in you. You are a beautiful, talented woman and the world is positively influenced by your presence.
To my brother Gerry: You are the coolest--and don't forget that. 2008 will be great for you. I promise you that.
OK--to the girlz:
Stine: You are in India. Enjoy it. You are with the man of your dreams. You have showed me support in ways that I can not take for granted. You are my "yes" woman, cause no matter what I say, you are like, "Yes!"
Stine Haynes: Another reason why I think Danish women rock! You are my fertilizer.
Ida: Ok, so family has taken you away from me, for now, but we'll be reunited again. And it will be GREAT.
Elene: You are my right hand woman and Bandit Queen Press is gonna be BIG in 2008. You will help make this happen...
Marie D. Brown: Hello? I think I've written enough about you my spiritual mamma. Just wish I could be making this magic with you in Harlem. But I guess it doesn't matter where I'm at, cause you the Queen B...
Karen R. Good: When I first saw you it was like that scene from West Side Story where Tony first sees Maria--you are the flyest human being I could ever have hoped to stumble upon and our time is NOW.
Debbie: Wherever you are in the world, you give me your support. I am so proud of you.
Pam--would you hurry up and finish with this damn sailing trip with your family already? I miss you. Pussy Galore's awaits us and so many other fabulous things...
Tchina or Tshina, I can't wait to see you again. It will be worth the wait.
Happy New Year all the rest, too many to name.
Lisa Davis: Our telephone conversations definitely help in keeping me focused. Your belief in what I am doing is priceless and I hope I am as much a support to you as you have been to me throughout the years.
Let 2007 be the year I found love, or love found me and it is only even more greatness that awaits me and every one else!
I also wish to thank all you folks who drop by here and take the time to read what I'm writing. 2008 will be a Year of even better posts and creations.

As I'm writing this, the fireworks are going off as everyone prepares to blast the old Year out. Tomorrow will be a New Year and tonight, it is just me and Kai chilling. I can safely say things are on track--of course it's not going as fast as I would like it, but I'm wise to know now that that is not a bad thing.
Thank you all for your support and 2008? Oh, it'll be great!
Peace & Love,
the lab

Oh, and check this out: M.I.A.


Anonymous said…
Happy New Year! I was away at the stuga with no blasted cable, a hard bed and 4 roudy kids! Liked the MS page and will come back soon and catch up. Nice tributes to Mom and Glenn Thompson.
Nothing better than appreciating the people in your life! What a nice way to ring in the new year!
Anonymous said…
les, it is YOU whom I thank. I LOVE YOU, SUPERSTAR. Keep flying.

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