Back to Life...
Oh well, the weekend is almost over which means that so is my holiday! Back to REALITY! I had an amazing, chill holiday. Stayed in Denmark and hung out with my MAIN MAN (boy) Kai-Kai. I schooled him good in staying in his pajamas all day and SHUTTING the world out. Sometimes you gotta chill like that. I did have bouts of guilt though (uh oh--there goes that Catholic upbringing roaring its ugly head AGAIN--I mean, I guess in some ways I should teach him about getting outta bed, dressing and taking a walk to get some fresh air EVERY day--especially since I was lecturing big sis Shelley about it this morning. But in the end I think a nice balance is in order here: Every once in a while it's ok to say no to the world and shut it out.
We read, watched movies, t.v., cooked...visited cafes, received great packages from home. My sis sent Kai an amazing box of goodies chock full of pens, pencils (he got that Brown stationery/pen fetish!) and even knitting goodies for me. Nothing beats getting some love from back home, so thanks sis! Every time Kai took something out of the box he exclaimed, "Mommy, I was just thinking that I needed this!" "This" included a slinky, juggling balls, a couple of my sister's creations, a photo album she made of our Summer visit...again, thanks for the love, sis.
Kai's at his daddy's now and I miss him. The apartment is eerily silent without his jumping on the bed and my irritatingly telling him, "Kai, stop jumping on the bed!"
"Ok." But wait...what is that faint sound I hear again?
"Kai! Stop jumping on the bed!" Geesh, you'd think I never jumped on the bed when I was a kid. Sometimes I wanna puke when I hear myself as a mother! Where'd the fun go? Surely I am not that mature as to be such a killjoy! But sadly ladies and gentlemen, I go there sometimes.
Monday is back to the LIFE. But it's a New Year and lots of great things are gonna happen to me in 2008. I can see it now. Book deal. Book deal. Book deal.
Did I mention book deal?
Yeah folks, that's what I'm talking about. 2008 will be about successes & lots of it. 2008 will be about Lesley-Ann flourishing as she has never flourished before. It's all about my being me in ALL my glory. Watch out world--here I come.
the lab
the lab