
Sometimes our victories don't look the way we want them to look, or the way we think we want them to look and I just loved the way all my recent frustrations subsided by hanging out with my son.
We went over to Amy's for brunch today.
Amy's husband, Lars Henrik Olsen is a children's book writer and is, coincidentally, Kai's favorite writer. Kai helped Lars Henrik make Danish style pancakes and later, read a soon-to-be published story. Kai was the very first person to read this manuscript and it was cool to sit by and watch the two of them discuss what Kai thought about the story. It was even cooler seeing him sitting quietly, pen in hand, making little notes on the manuscript.
Spring is here--we played a bit of football in preparation for Kai's big football game this Tuesday and basically chilled. That's what weekends are for, afterall...
the lab