Bureau 39

Bandit Queen Press is Proud to Present
The first edition of the zine
Bureau 39: The Ultimate Weapon
This is an Open Call for Complete and Utter Submission:
Bureau 39 wants your creation:
Writing (creative or otherwise); illustration, photography.
Send in your creative response by July 31st , subject line "Bureau 39" to submissions@banditqueenpress.com.
Be sure to include in
your byline, any websites or creations you want others to know about.
Bureau 39 is spearheaded by Brooklyn born writer Lesley-Ann Brown and
NYC writer/musician Claudius Pratt.
Visit www.blackgirlonmars.blogspot.com for more information on Bandit Queen Press.
Bureau 39 will be published in Copenhagen, Denmark and at a website near you…
I'll definitely be sending something in this week.
Shine on
-Dazjae a.k.a PZ