The Image is Mightier Than the Sword

I'm so excited right now. There have been a few books that definitely galvanized paradigm shifts in my life. One of them, appropriately, would be Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the others would be Mary Daly's Pure Lust, Baldwin's The Fire Next Time and lastly John Berger's Ways of Seeing. This is by no means a complete list of books that rocked my world, but it is pretty representative of those thoughts that have contributed to my present state-of-mind and consciousness (One reason I'm really happy I went to Eugene Lang College!)
When I read Berger's Ways of Seeing, I exhaled in a Terri McMillan kind of way. Anyway, I won't ruin it for you: Read the book yourself. Or, check out this video gem I discovered on The Elegant Variation, one of my favorite blogs to check out, cause it's the ultimate book geek blog. And since I can't keep up with literary books as much as I would love to, I leave it to this blog cause they do such an amazing job at it.

The interesting thing is, according to the Elegant Variation,, this is the ONLY BBC documentary not available in the States...hmmmm.
I'm really amused right now, cause Ways of Seeing ties in so eloquently with my previous post.
Sigh! I love moments like these!
Another side: I only loved Berger more when I learned that a struggling Glenn Thompson started his book publishing company with one of his titles. Rumor has it, Glenn flew on the same airplane as he, approached him and by the time the plane landed, Glenn had secured his first title. How cool of a guy must Berger be to give one of his titles to a then unknown publisher? Remember Glenn Thompson was the mastermind behind Harlem River Press (who published Huey Newton, Tony Medina, Suheir Hammad, Kevin Powell to name a few); Writers and Readers (he started the whole beginner series, like Marx for Beginners, Virginia Wolf for Beginners etc. etc. which later got squashed by a larger publisher company; Black Butterfly books which published children's books. Sigh. Glenn has passed on. You can read John Berger's and Margaret Busby's tribute to him here: London & Glenn Thompson
Please take the time to watch all 4 episodes of this important series: Because if you didn't know...well, now you will. Buy the book too!


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