My Latest Creation


Guanaguanare said…
I really like this hat Lesley, both the shape and the colors you selected. Could you tell us more about this skill and some of your other projects?
Anonymous said…
Love that hat, Lesley-Ann. Did you use a pattern? There's a new knitting cafe near my house and I'm thinking about taking lessons.

Lenoxave said…
Is this your new fashion line? You know the art of "the hat" is lost and you are bringing it back. I love hats. Are you making anymore? Shameless request. :-)
I started crocheting hats 2 years ago after my favorite hat shrank in the wash (I sometimes forget not to wash wool in warm water!) It began as a desperate attempt to remake that hat. I use all-natural wool, sometimes hand-dyed and homespun, and many of my hats end up in a small boutique here called loveliving under the labels "Brooklyn Thoughts" or "Bandit Queen". Each hat has a name. The one pictured above, on my lovely model K, is "Sorbet". When I crochet, I feel at one with the universe. I swear. I highly recommend it as a form of meditation. I don't use patterns. Lisa, I highly recommend at least starting to knit. It's not for every one but I learned to knit when I was pregnant (My mother-in-law taught me) and it is a skill I am proud to continue today. If anyone is interested in a hat, you can always contact me & we can arrange something. I seem to get the crocheting bug during the winter, and only make the hats when I feel moved to do so. Right now I'm on a bit of a roll. :-)

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