Yesterday was my first day at my new job.
Suddenly Copenhagen is a diverse place.
These kids kick my ass but I so need it.
Would you believe that they remember me?!?
Lesley, where are you from?
Brooklyn, New York.
Brooklyn? Isn't that a cool place?
Tonight I read The Organist's Daughter. It is funny what time can do to a poem. The beauty of spoken word is the way it gets better and better every time you read it. It starts to wrestle itself from your grip and insists upon a life of its own. Before it was me reading the poem, now? The poem reading me.
What I can't stand, is that drone many people insist on reading their poetry in. Why kill a poem with a bad rendition of Ginsberg? Hang it up--find your own voice and say it loud! I should do a spoken word workshop here.
As I walk through the cold I enjoy it--I'm alive to feel it, so why complain. But it is friggin cold!
Also, I must admit that it is quite unnatural how little sun there is. I'm trying to remember my vitamin D--and ever since I've been taking it, my moods aren't swinging so much, so that's a good thing. But I gotta remember, get into the rhythm.
I gotta go to bed now. Another day of kick ass! Another day of being alive with a group of kids I am so privileged to spend my time with.
the lab
I love what you wrote about that poem reading you! Now that you say it, isn't that the definition of authentic art? Shouldn't it touch your soul? I've also started taking vitamin D; I never realized having direct sunlight was so important. So far I haven't noticed that it's tamed my moods but perhaps I haven't been taking it long enough yet. Success with your new job.