Glenn Thompson

dear lesley-ann brown,
this whiteboy from bronx browsing about glenn in the early am of a
snowstorm found your blackgirlonmars link which i hope to lookit more when
i'm awake. me & a couple others here are friends of glenn from the lower
east side days ages ago & then some. carol klein & i saw glenn off over
a liter of 110 proof slivovitz which lasted glenn (so he much later told me) the
whole yugoslav freighter trip to tangier at the start of his old world
i was in touch with glenn during some of his early rambles (ibiza,
amsterdam, kibbutzim...)
and sent him a copy of marat-sade (which i saw from the umpteenth balcony in ny
with a bunch of my anarchist friends). that play blew my mind as it did
glenn's, tho surely in very different ways.
glenn's adventures as he related to me (on the two brief occasions
we met during his later sojourns in new york) were- are- absolutely great as
stories. my fear is that glenn would have regarded his own life story as so much
bourgeois individualism not worth writing down. hoping i am wrong, and that
somebody- family, you & other friends in europe... might put glenn's
notes if any, and your own reminiscences together into something of a coherent
i might have a bit more to contribute myself. looking forward to reading
more of your blog when i'm more awake. please forgive me for not posting
this to your blog, & feel free. the veritable truth is i really am not sure
how a blog works
best wishes, jeff freeman