
Showing posts from May, 2009

My Life in the Sunshine...

Roskilde is known for it's annual music festival. It is the place, ten years ago, that I became fascinated with the father of my child. I had made my way to Copenhagen, on train, from Paris to finish a book. And now, here we were, ten years later at a camp with other parents of hearing-impaired kids. The weather is fantastic and we spent the day at Sagnlandet Lejre where you can see how Vikings once lived. You can ground grain, spark flint and brave hollowed out boats. You can step into the what homes probably looked like during the Iron Age and every so often a musician walks through the village with his instruments and song. It was pretty fun and every one seemed to have enjoyed it. Being around Danish people I don't know always challenges me in ways that surprise me. It actually has little to do with the fact that they are Danish, and more to do with the fact that because I am a foreigner, I elicit the same questions over and over again. After being here for ten years, it ...

The Calabash Literary Festival

Here is an amazing summary of this year's Calabash Literary Festival Enjoy! the lab


Tisvilde is an incredible part of Denmark and a place I have been fortunate enough to have access to since I first visited this country about ten years ago. There's the beach with its almost Medetaranian-like waters , the forest with paths that wind through gnarled trees, the old house, Amigo which has known me since the days my son nestled himself deep within my womb. Amigo is a simple house, of aged wood and memories, caressed regularly by the gentle roll of the train coming and going. Yesterday I lost myself in meditation as I mowed the lawn, and thought how universal the smell of freshly cut grass must be. While I did so, a deer rushed past, not before staring me full in the eyes. There is something magical about being stared in the eyes by a wild animal. I'm quiet again. Like the sea I have retreated to the ocean of my soul. I am preparing for my move: something which, if approached haphazardly, could very well threaten what semblance of sanity I have managed to construct....

On Children

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. The Profit, by Kahlil Gibran

Leah Napoloeon Russell...

Where art thou? Too long babes, way too long.

On the subject of Dopeness...

How cool is it that the White House hosts poetry readings? Click here for more:

Susan Cadogan-It Hurts So Bad (this song is dope!)


I just got back from a road trip to Odense with my girl Priscilla. Odense is a little city on the island of Fyn in Denmark. We wanted to try something a little different and change up the scenery a bit. Armed with old cds and a sense of humor, we headed out to an unknown city. It was nice to get out of town and get on the road. Odense is a beautiful little town and the break from big city life was much-needed. I know I have been here for way too long when I refer to Copenhagen as a big city. Both on my way and back, I found myself asking: What is love? I remember many, many years ago while waiting in an airport in Pensecola, Florida I bumped into bell hooks. Psyched was not the word. I had the blessing of having one of her former students as a professor in college, and let's just say that ms. bell has had a significant impact on how I see the world, or better yet, she put words to feelings I had been walking around with all my life. bell hooks is to me like pork is to the Danish ec...

Deadline Sunday May 17th!

FluxFactory OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE Deadline Sun. May 17th Join Flux, become a Fluxer For the past decade, Flux Factory has offered an informal, artist-run, and collective residency program comprised of a changing community of creative collaborators. Until now, this program has operated “organically” and been self-organized. We are opening a new home this July and are setting in motion an expanded, professionalized, artist-run residency program. We're now accepting applications for residents! Deadline for the online application is Sunday May 17th 2009. If you are interested in applying, carefully review the following guidelines, as well as our Residency FAQs before filling in the online application. As Fluxers, artists will be able to get involved in all of Flux Factory’s programming, including the Flux Factory exhibitions and public programs, as well as technology training initiatives and workshops. Residents take part in public artist talks as well as studio visits w...
Darn, can't get my poster to print properly! Well, it's for my reading next Friday, May 15th at Det Poetiske Bureau, Griffenfeldsgade 52--just in cause you're in the hood. Starts at 5pm and there will be a viewing of Charlotte Troldahl's documentary on The Calabash Literary Festival, a reading from Lennox Raphael and then I'll perform some stuff with, fingers crossed, the accompaniment of Deadato Sequir. It will be a Caribbean-themed event, with rum, reggae and rawkus. The day after I'll be performing with Shine at Christiania's Børneteatret, where we'll have Bingo night and just plain old fun and creativity. This past Saturday was a blast. Blågårdsgade had a street party and it was amazing. There were bands (Shine played there); djs; food; drink and general good vibes. Folks were out enjoying the Sun and each other. V and I got there around 5 and met up with some others and well, yeah, it was dope. What made it even cooler was that Blågårdsgade generall...