Darn, can't get my poster to print properly! Well, it's for my reading next Friday, May 15th at Det Poetiske Bureau, Griffenfeldsgade 52--just in cause you're in the hood. Starts at 5pm and there will be a viewing of Charlotte Troldahl's documentary on The Calabash Literary Festival, a reading from Lennox Raphael and then I'll perform some stuff with, fingers crossed, the accompaniment of Deadato Sequir. It will be a Caribbean-themed event, with rum, reggae and rawkus.
The day after I'll be performing with Shine at Christiania's Børneteatret, where we'll have Bingo night and just plain old fun and creativity.
This past Saturday was a blast. Blågårdsgade had a street party and it was amazing. There were bands (Shine played there); djs; food; drink and general good vibes. Folks were out enjoying the Sun and each other. V and I got there around 5 and met up with some others and well, yeah, it was dope. What made it even cooler was that Blågårdsgade generally gets a bad rap in the media, and that day, well, it was nothing but good vibes. We ended the party at Kate's Joint where with V's ipod full of old school classic soul and hip hop--we danced the night to completion.
The Sun is not shining as strong right now, but it's there, warming things up, allowing the apple blossoms to bloom. Work is good, busy and well, I have a lot of preparing to do for my upcoming shows.
the lab