Blame it on Greece

I feel like Greece, but unlike Greece, I don’t owe 495 billion.
I saw an article that wrote about who owns Greec'se debt? Own a debt? Who owns mine? I thought I did! Turns out that if Greece goes bust, the European Economy will fall like a house of cards. And guess who insured many of these institutions against debt? You guessed it, the U.S. of A.
The European Union looks upon Greece with bated breath. If Greece busts, so will Portugal, and then Italy and Italy? Italy is the European Union’s third largest economy.
I still don’t get why one day the economy is good, the next day, well, not. Isn’t money made up of paper and the economy built on our confidence? Whose the wise guy (people) in the background, controlling the distribution of money. Whose golf games am I threatening?
Turns out that when Greece goes bust, a lot of things are going to go down. Turns out that we’re not just talking large banks here, but pension funds as well. Can you imagine putting aside money for your pension, having that pension fund invest in Greece, and then, well, uh, you no longer have your pension money.
This money system sucks.
I hope Marx is right when he wrote that Capitalism will rise and peak and then start eating itself from within. I don’t care what people say: Capitalism is a hoax. And unfortunately, the whole world seems to be buying it. Literally.