Showing posts from November, 2011
Inspirit Communications Blog Talk Radio Tonight!
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We're airing our show tonight! 11pm EST call in (347) 989-0774 We're bombarded by conflicting images of what female sexuality is all about: from sexually-explicit, scantily-clad rappers and artists who parade their "femininity" to career-driven professionals who decry that our sexuality should be the last means by which we define ourselves, to enlightened, artistic "women warriors' who inspire us to re-claim 'us'. But what does it all mean? Sexually, can we play the same game as men or are the stakes higher for us? Call in and let us know!
I'm Here Now!
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video & music by Motrack; text by the lab Last week I had the pleasure of participating in a podcast for Inspirit Radio Talk Radio on the subject of marriage. " Marriage is a hot-button topic for Black women. According to the statistics, over 40% of Black women today can expect to never marry. Yet Black women are raising families and having love lives. What do the statistics really mean? Has marriage truly become obsolete or are we facing the biggest crisis of the Black family yet?" Entitled Black Women and Marriage: Is Marriage Becoming Obsolete? the show featured four panelists, Donella Martin Braddix the host and me included. I first met Donella years ago, when I began my blog and although we never met in person, maintained an online-correspondence that I know continues to sustain us both. At the time of our first meeting, Donella was a Brooklyn girl living all the way over in Japan! Her new radio show is described ...
Earth, Creation & Love: Bandit Queen Press Release...
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Chemistry is the science of reacting bodies. Bodies react when an activation energy [1] threshold is reached. It is known as Collision Theory [2] . For a collision to occur bodies must first meet. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, with inclinations and trajectories all of their own, ranging from free radicals [3] through catalysts [4] to inert gases [5] . Upon meeting the chemistry happens and either a reaction takes place and subsequent products [6] are formed, or it does not, in which case bodies continue their trajectory, though directions may alter as a result of the encounter. Blackgirlonmars is an account of one body’s experiences as it attempts to navigate it’s own trajectory, from heterogeneous equilibria [7] to homogeny and of the collisions, successful or otherwise that occur along the way. Lesley-Ann Brown, abroad in every sense of the word, from Brooklyn NY to Nørrebro DK, making her own group [8] – finding her own period [9] , establishing bonds [10]...
10 Things that Make me Happy!
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1. cafes that have books 2. flowers that blossom unexpectedly 3. Yarn! 4. encouraging my child to create. 5. celebrating the completion of a draft 6. connecting with nature 7. listening to others creations. 8. Preparing to dive into journals chock full of stories and reflections. 9. Finding Art in the most unusual of places 10. creating prototypes It has now been six months since I completed my first draft of my latest novel. Life never ceases to interest me. If I'm creating, I am on fire. When the inspiration is low, I don't want to get out of bed. Winter is coming, moving in with the cold: the leaves litter the streets and sidewalks and the sunrise paints the sky a magnetic fuschia (only to be seen on pre-dawn bike rides through the city). I look at the world around me and wonder Huh?!? All I can do is to continue creating as long as I breathe. All I can do is hold on to the idea that I a...