I'm Here Now!
video & music by Motrack; text by the lab
Last week I had the pleasure of participating in a podcast for Inspirit Radio Talk Radio on the subject of marriage.
"Marriage is a hot-button topic for Black women. According to the statistics, over 40% of Black women today can expect to never marry. Yet Black women are raising families and having love lives. What do the statistics really mean? Has marriage truly become obsolete or are we facing the biggest crisis of the Black family yet?"
Entitled Black Women and Marriage: Is Marriage Becoming Obsolete? the show featured four panelists, Donella Martin Braddix the host and me included. I first met Donella years ago, when I began my blog and although we never met in person, maintained an online-correspondence that I know continues to sustain us both. At the time of our first meeting, Donella was a Brooklyn girl living all the way over in Japan! Her new radio show is described thusly: