Earth, Creation & Love: Bandit Queen Press Release...

Chemistry is the science of reacting bodies.  Bodies react when an activation energy[1] threshold is reached. It is known as Collision Theory[2]. For a collision to occur bodies must first meet. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, with inclinations and trajectories all of their own, ranging from free radicals[3] through catalysts[4] to inert gases[5]. Upon meeting the chemistry happens and either a reaction takes place and subsequent products[6] are formed, or it does not, in which case bodies continue their trajectory, though directions may alter as a result of the encounter.
Blackgirlonmars is an account of one body’s experiences as it attempts to navigate it’s own trajectory, from heterogeneous equilibria[7] to homogeny and of the collisions, successful or otherwise that occur along the way. Lesley-Ann Brown, abroad in every sense of the word, from Brooklyn NY to Nørrebro DK, making her own group[8] – finding her own period[9], establishing bonds[10], and breaking them.

[1] The energy barrier that must be overcome during a collision of two potential reactants in order for a reaction to occur.
[2] Theory of reaction rates that states that effective collisions between reactant molecules must occur in order for the reaction to occur.
[3] A highly reactive chemical species
[4] A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed itself in the reaction. A substance that alters (usually increases) the rate at which a reaction occurs.
[5] a chemically inactive element
[6] Substances on the right side of a chemical reaction.
[7] Equilibria involving species in more than one phase.
[8] A vertical column in the periodic table; also called a family.
[9] The elements in a horizontal row of the periodic table.
[10] There is a chemical bond between two atoms or groups of atoms in case that the forces acting between them are such as to lead to the formation of an aggregate with sufficient stability to make it convenient for the chemist to consider it as an independent "molecular species".


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