
Showing posts from May, 2012

Voice of Art - Illegal Billboards, Pt. 1


Eco Ego

Last year, when I decided to use hemp paper for some of my Bandit Queen Press publications, I ran into a pickle. I couldn't seem to find any in Copenhagen. None of the art stores had it. I couldn't understand it--I had read about all the benefits of using hemp paper--how environmentally friendly it was and the potential number of trees that are saved. So why wasn't anyone selling it? For all you transplanted Americans, or Danes who know the good stuff: Eco Ego has all your Dr. Bronner needs, reasonably priced too!  Luckily for me, I biked passed this little gem of a store right on Nørre Farimagsgade 82, Eco Ego . When I walked in, I fell in love. Not only did I fall in love with the store, but the owner, a central New Jersey transplant, had what I was looking for: Hemp Paper and he was extremely helpful.  Eco Ego has everything you need to jump into a green lifestyle...and what's great about it is that, I kid you not, the prices at this place are prett...

Bandit Nature

          Tree Bark, Denmark 2010

Bandit Gardening

This past April, I was seized with a great urge to plant seeds and see what I could grow to eat in my apartment. It is an experiment of sorts, as I have never had a garden before and see this as an opportunity to learn about growing food with what I had available.  The choice was easy--peas. Here in Denmark, ærter, or peas, eaten fresh and straight from the pod, is a traditional treat. Right now, fresh, Danish peas are going for about 100 kr a kilo (about 14 dollars)and I must say that it is worth the investment if freshness and tastiness is important to you. I must admit that it truly has been a magical experience witnessing the seeds sprout and grow. It was relaxing to spend time observing their growth and I definitely learned a few things.  First of all, it makes sense that growing plants in a potted environment is not optimum. Potted environments, by its very nature, has limited resources, which of course gets used by the growing plant. I'm sure this can be balanced...

Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M. (HD)


Astigmatismo Short Film

Artist Gina Thorstensen , one of the Bureau 39 crew, is currently participating in this eye-opening artistic endeavor which plays with illustration and the whole idea of seeing-- one of my favourite subjects being that I not only enjoy the privilege of experiencing what it means to have astigmatism, but am completlely blown away by this fresh, creative approach. here is gina's illustration that appeared in bureau 39 for 'love is a fish"  Check out the website for Astigmatismo Short Film  and give your support. Our art will change the world. farvel, the lab

Transit of Venus, June 5, 2012

On June 5th/6th (depending on where you are) a very rare astronomical event will occur--A transit of Venus. T he planet Venus will pass in front of the Sun for the last time this century. Millions around the world will witness this rare astronomical phenomenon. " A transit of Venus occurs when Venus passes directly between the sun and earth.  This alignment is rare, coming in pairs that are eight years apart but separated by over a century.  The last transit of Venus was a thrilling sight in 2004.  After June 2012, the next event occurs in 2117."  Transit of Venus  Here are some informative links: 3D Solar System simulator Transit of Venus   has amazing information, including the answer to, why is the transit of Venus so rare? It states: Transits of Venus have a strange pattern of frequency.  A transit will not have happened for about 121 ½  years (prior to 2004, the last one was 1882).  Then there will be one transit (such...

Aisha's Gadetour

Aisha's gearing up for her album  Deeper Than Roots  release by offering a street performance for every day in May, up til the 21st. I'm planning on showing up for one of her shows, and letting poem flow. Or two. Check out Aisha's  Deeper Than Roots. 

Reggie Watts: Humor in music


Unreleased Biggie Interview At The Set Of "Warning" Music Video!


Staying Together Episode 6 "Raising Our Youth" Part One
