Eco Ego
Last year, when I decided to use hemp paper for some of my Bandit Queen Press publications, I ran into a pickle. I couldn't seem to find any in Copenhagen. None of the art stores had it. I couldn't understand it--I had read about all the benefits of using hemp paper--how environmentally friendly it was and the potential number of trees that are saved. So why wasn't anyone selling it?
For all you transplanted Americans, or Danes who know the good stuff: Eco Ego has all your Dr. Bronner needs, reasonably priced too! |
Luckily for me, I biked passed this little gem of a store right on Nørre Farimagsgade 82, Eco Ego. When I walked in, I fell in love. Not only did I fall in love with the store, but the owner, a central New Jersey transplant, had what I was looking for: Hemp Paper and he was extremely helpful.
Eco Ego has everything you need to jump into a green lifestyle...and what's great about it is that, I kid you not, the prices at this place are pretty reasonable.
Environmentally friendly flip-flops for 100 kr? That's a bargain! |
Organic Soap for 39 kr? That's like 6-7 bucks for that humungous slab of soap! |
I love this store.
Eco Ego
Bryan Traum
Nørre Farimagsgade 82
1364 Copenhagen K
(the bandit queen signing in for the blackgirl, who is patiently awaiting the passing of Venus on the 5th of June, across our galaxy's sun. )