Bandit Gardening
The choice was easy--peas. Here in Denmark, ærter, or peas, eaten fresh and straight from the pod, is a traditional treat. Right now, fresh, Danish peas are going for about 100 kr a kilo (about 14 dollars)and I must say that it is worth the investment if freshness and tastiness is important to you. I must admit that it truly has been a magical experience witnessing the seeds sprout and grow. It was relaxing to spend time observing their growth and I definitely learned a few things.

I've also got my kids into growing things as well. It's interesting to see the natural interest most children have with all things nature. If a child fears nature, it is because he or she is unfamiliar to it. Once you build a relationship to nature, and is able to observe the natural flow of things, your confidence in the order of the universe strengthens. The other night I watched the shadow of the earth as it crept across the moon, and wondered what a different world this would be, if we all took time to contemplate the stars, plants and animals that we have inherited.
bandit garden 2012 |