
NYC Cool 2010 

I've been writing a lot more than posting, lately. I have so much to say, so much to write about, but I don't want to go too fast--don't want to spoil it. It's like for every day that goes by, I understand on a profound level, why I am where I am.

Although it's snowing outside, I am feeling an inner warmth I had been, until now, unable to really connect with this winter. This has been a difficult winter. But I suppose difficult in only the way not being able to do anything, can be. I often wonder how equipped am I, really, to live in this part of the world? I look down at my skin, and my melanin betrays me: Not enough sunlight and the depression sets in. In the winter, there are days where we get about 3 days of sunlight. Not to mention that in general, the skies are grey and sun, it seems, enjoys hiding behind the clouds.

Sun salons abound, but let's face it, I think it's a silly concept.  All of this is just proof that I am not where I will be forever, but when will I ever be, anyway? The truth of it is, I want to see the entire earth, if I can, please--I'm only here once, so they say, and so why get stuck in one place?

Don't get me wrong. I have gotten a lot of having to stay one place for a solid 14 year stretch (the longest I have been in any one place. Who would have thunk (this is not a real conjugation of the verb "to think", i know) that Copenhagen would be the place, in all my life, that I would stay the longest?

My child has a lot to do with this. And I'm not mad at that. Although it's been difficult, and I have wanted to leave so many, many times, I have in the end, stuck it out here.

And that, I suppose, is nothing to sneeze at.

the lab

& yes, a trip to New York is certainly overdue. But first, to Barcelona...

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