life is beautiful.
ali's wall, amager 2013 |
as my pace moves more in line with the universe, life opens up unlimited opportunity. for this i am truly grateful & humbled.
today i went by ali's house. ali is a persian writer who lives here in denmark. i used to work with him at my old place of employment. what i love about his writing are his perceptions of things: he reflects a humanity in his observations that i truly miss in most literature. anyway, i've been entrusted to translate his latest book about Iran before, during and after the persian revolution. i am happy for this opportunity as i now not only better understand the story of iran and her people, but am enjoying assisting bringing this book to light. it is based on hundreds of hours of interviews that ali conducted himself with iranian refugees here. it is a labour of love and i am honored to be a part of it.
on my way home, i bumped into michelle. michelle is a jamaican artist whom i met and worked with a few years ago. she lives right down the street from me. she was walking with her daughter ella, and we caught up, best we could, in what little time we had. it was inspiring to see her - and to hear of her recent creative trip to trinidad. hmmm...trinidad...yeah, i've been thinking about that place a lot.
the lab