An Ordinary Day in Copenhagen
Yesterday she went to visit her insurance company to hear what they could offer her. Her meeting was in the afternoon- a time she preferred. She does not like morning appointments. Mornings are meant for silence.
The building was ornately decorated and the agent, obviously impressed. "You're so integrated," the agent gushes, "You're a sign that all you have to do is work hard and you can get ahead here." She reminds the agent that she's American and has a Western education behind her. "You'll make a great motivational speaker!" The agent yells behind her as she exits the building.
She visits an old friend whose house is right down the street from the insurance agency's offices. Her old friend makes her tea and they talk about life. Her old friend asks, "How's the romance? The boyfriend?" Despite the many other things that is happening in her life, it is always the presence of a male (or not) that seems to intrigue many. Is a woman not visible unpartnered?
She makes her way to Nørrebro where she has an appointment with a cafe owner. The cafe owner is a supporter of her work and they have been meaning to meet forever to plan an event.
It is a gray, wet but warm day in Copenhagen. She waits on the outdoor platform for the Metro and thinks, for some odd reason, about an old student of hers. This is an old student of hers that she particularly liked (although she could safely say she particularly likes all her students) - if only because she reminded her so much of herself when she was around that age. A curly-haired, bespectacled brown girl full of intelligence and wit, with big brown eyes burning for the knowledge of life. For some reason, she thinks of this girl-in a flash and the metro arrives.
As she enters the train, she sees this student she has only just thought about. They hug and she says, "I was just thinking about you!"
She arrives to Nørreport and swings by a fellow-American's store. He is from New Jersey and owns an environmentally friendly shop in the city. She loves to go there because he is always very welcoming and she can always talk about the earth with him. Sometimes they don't even have to talk to talk to each other.
The cafe is located on Blågaardsgade. Blågaardsgade is a pedestrain street off the main street of Nørrebrogade. There are many cafes on this street, a bicycle shop, a handful of restaurants, clothing and even a music shop. As she turns unto this street from Nørrebrogade, she sees Ceaser sitting right outside the cafe. Ceaser has a a spiral of dreadlocks on his head that literally weighs him down. He is as dark as the rich soil of the earth and hails from Columbia. Yes. Columbia.
It is an ordinary day in Copenhagen. It is warm. It is damp. It is gray. It is an ordinary day in Copenhagen- the past is the past, he says.
The building was ornately decorated and the agent, obviously impressed. "You're so integrated," the agent gushes, "You're a sign that all you have to do is work hard and you can get ahead here." She reminds the agent that she's American and has a Western education behind her. "You'll make a great motivational speaker!" The agent yells behind her as she exits the building.
She visits an old friend whose house is right down the street from the insurance agency's offices. Her old friend makes her tea and they talk about life. Her old friend asks, "How's the romance? The boyfriend?" Despite the many other things that is happening in her life, it is always the presence of a male (or not) that seems to intrigue many. Is a woman not visible unpartnered?
She makes her way to Nørrebro where she has an appointment with a cafe owner. The cafe owner is a supporter of her work and they have been meaning to meet forever to plan an event.
It is a gray, wet but warm day in Copenhagen. She waits on the outdoor platform for the Metro and thinks, for some odd reason, about an old student of hers. This is an old student of hers that she particularly liked (although she could safely say she particularly likes all her students) - if only because she reminded her so much of herself when she was around that age. A curly-haired, bespectacled brown girl full of intelligence and wit, with big brown eyes burning for the knowledge of life. For some reason, she thinks of this girl-in a flash and the metro arrives.
As she enters the train, she sees this student she has only just thought about. They hug and she says, "I was just thinking about you!"
She arrives to Nørreport and swings by a fellow-American's store. He is from New Jersey and owns an environmentally friendly shop in the city. She loves to go there because he is always very welcoming and she can always talk about the earth with him. Sometimes they don't even have to talk to talk to each other.
The cafe is located on Blågaardsgade. Blågaardsgade is a pedestrain street off the main street of Nørrebrogade. There are many cafes on this street, a bicycle shop, a handful of restaurants, clothing and even a music shop. As she turns unto this street from Nørrebrogade, she sees Ceaser sitting right outside the cafe. Ceaser has a a spiral of dreadlocks on his head that literally weighs him down. He is as dark as the rich soil of the earth and hails from Columbia. Yes. Columbia.
It is an ordinary day in Copenhagen. It is warm. It is damp. It is gray. It is an ordinary day in Copenhagen- the past is the past, he says.