it's time to bring this chapter of my life to an end. i've enjoyed having a platform to share my thoughts, creations and experiences. my only intention is that like-minded souls find a safe place to rest their weary heads and perhaps sip a cup of tea. we live in a world where there is much taboo - realities that we're encouraged to not mention.
nevertheless, i have endeavored to recount and record the experiences of a young girl turned lady turned woman from the diaspora living in denmark. for those of you who have read, supported, reached out to me during the years THANK YOU. there is so much more to this story, to my life - and that are all the other aspects, facets of OUR STORY.
when i was a young child growing up brooklyn, i experienced some stuff that i vowed, as a human being, that when i grew up i would share with the world. i would let the world know my story, knowing that once folks knew the realities of what was being doled out, folks would wake up.
what i have encountered more than often is an "audience" who are reluctant to embrace the truth because it threatens their status quo. thus is the system we live in, thus is the system we continue.
i am born in the skin i'm in because i carry an ancestral legacy that has been hidden from me my whole life. i have been educated in a system that mentions nothing of the greatness my people have accomplished. i face people everyday who believe, hook line and sinker the mcdonald's history of the world that is meted out.
if you are seeking truth, i advise you look within. again, the intention of my blog was but to sew together a tapestry of experiences so that the reader, and you know who you are, can see the patterns and the trends. the symptoms.
good luck in your journey in life and i thank you for visiting. feel free to look around. i have no idea how long this electronic journal will exist out there in the cyber world. one more thing - the other day i attempted to access my blog from a public computer. a message from google popped up, barring me from entering the site. it said something to the effect that it was sure that the address that was typed in was not the intended address of the user.
i don't list my blog publicly. never have. we live in an age where everything is going at record speed.
my message is intended only for those who are wise enough to slow down, to sit a while, by the river.
Again, thank you to all the readers who have visited read and shared with me their thoughts. I appreciate it. I have been blogging from the periods of 2005 - 2013. Please enjoy the pearls.
the lab
blackgirl on mars
bandit queen press
nevertheless, i have endeavored to recount and record the experiences of a young girl turned lady turned woman from the diaspora living in denmark. for those of you who have read, supported, reached out to me during the years THANK YOU. there is so much more to this story, to my life - and that are all the other aspects, facets of OUR STORY.
when i was a young child growing up brooklyn, i experienced some stuff that i vowed, as a human being, that when i grew up i would share with the world. i would let the world know my story, knowing that once folks knew the realities of what was being doled out, folks would wake up.
what i have encountered more than often is an "audience" who are reluctant to embrace the truth because it threatens their status quo. thus is the system we live in, thus is the system we continue.
i am born in the skin i'm in because i carry an ancestral legacy that has been hidden from me my whole life. i have been educated in a system that mentions nothing of the greatness my people have accomplished. i face people everyday who believe, hook line and sinker the mcdonald's history of the world that is meted out.
if you are seeking truth, i advise you look within. again, the intention of my blog was but to sew together a tapestry of experiences so that the reader, and you know who you are, can see the patterns and the trends. the symptoms.
good luck in your journey in life and i thank you for visiting. feel free to look around. i have no idea how long this electronic journal will exist out there in the cyber world. one more thing - the other day i attempted to access my blog from a public computer. a message from google popped up, barring me from entering the site. it said something to the effect that it was sure that the address that was typed in was not the intended address of the user.
i don't list my blog publicly. never have. we live in an age where everything is going at record speed.
my message is intended only for those who are wise enough to slow down, to sit a while, by the river.
Again, thank you to all the readers who have visited read and shared with me their thoughts. I appreciate it. I have been blogging from the periods of 2005 - 2013. Please enjoy the pearls.
the lab
blackgirl on mars
bandit queen press