Sister to Sister: Letters from the Diaspora

'what to make when your child asks for a sibling.' by the lab 2004

Hi Lesley-Ann,
I am fine. Hope you are well.I hope it is not a virus.We are  trying to finalize things  at school for the year. I just got back from reviewing with my students for the coming June   U.S.History Regents. Now we will be rated based on how our students do on the  yearly exams.The City of NY  under new administration  just offered us a new contract dating  from the year 2009 when  the former mayor Bloomberg refused  to grant   us one.I know each year I say I will be leaving but it is not  easy to retire and live off the measly pension that  the teaching profession gives.
Hey, my offer for you  to visit Panama is still  there . Just tell me when you want to visit and I will see if I can  plan to make  the trip .  Here in the States sometimes i cannot  understand how this country is still so racist.Everyday  there is one person here  making some of the most racist statements, it  is so mind boggling at times. One wonder what is wrong with some of these people. Are they that unhappy  and miserable?  Any way, It is always nice hearing from you. Stay well.

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