End of year Notes...
a room with a view harlem, feb 2014 |
Yesterday I had the joy of meeting Ethelene Whitmore - professor at the University of Wisconsin and blogger American Black Chick in London - who, luckily for me, lives in Copenhagen!!!! I am always tickled when I find beautiful gifts awaiting me ALWAYS when I take one step forward...We had an amazing chat (I actually didn't want to leave, I could have spoken to both these wonderfully talented women for hours). We talked about expat living, Nella Larsen, the Danish tradition of Julefrokost (what happens at the Christmas party, stays at the Christmas party...) and dreams + visions. Truly inspiring. Thank you both!
a window garden in amager (circa 2012) |
The other morning, around 4 - I spoke to Buddha again! Buddha is in Goa! Buddha says all the New Age Israelis out there are driving him nuts, and that he wants me to come out to deliver to them the message that he says they will not listen to: That New Age Beliefs encourage passivity and apathy to the general goings-on of the world. Buddha is flirting with a young, hot and married woman. Hmmm...I'll keep you posted.
I love this video - that's my nephew in the second part!
The morning after that I spoke to Wa. Wa is my nephew I have written briefly about before - knowing that he deserves such a longer piece. Wa is my big brother's oldest son - and in case you don't remember, my brother became a father when he was 17, not that shy of 18. The mother, his girlfriend at the time, was just 16. Their debut into parenthood began in an apartment on Herkimer Street, downtown Brooklyn. It was the mid-late 80s and crack was beginning to act like a verb on so many of our communities.
Gerry and Shanon - Wah's mother, eventually part ways-- with Wa's mother, like so many others from New York wishing to build something different for themselves and their families, decided to move to Atlanta. I've never been to Atlanta, but from what I understand it seems to have functioned (and perhaps still do?) as a Mecca for Black talent and money.
Sometimes my family scatters like dandelion seeds blown into the air. Sometimes we gather again, each a unique facet to a larger entity that reflects a story that we sometimes need to hear.
Last winter when I was in New York, I contacted my nephew. He's in his late 20s and ever since he was back in Brooklyn and as soon as he could speak, he was as the kids say, spittin' rhymes. I hadn't seen him in years - and decided it was time that we caught up.
Who I met was an amazingly spiritually aware young man. My time with him, and in consequent conversations, have restored my faith in a lot. Thank you Wa.
The funny thing about meeting up with Wa was experiencing how much his interests and mine, although we rarely spoke before - are alike. I loved his openness, his interest, determination and man, this kid has talent!
Speaking to him the other morning was a real treat. I look forward to following his career, providing the familial support that he needs and getting him over here to Copenhagen!
I'm happy to report that I've been contributing to the Murmur, an English language newspaper here which reports on Denmark from a global point of view. Here are my two most recent pieces:
Talking race with a white boy from Harlem and A Caribbean Christmas.
I'm delighted to be a part of this team, and look forward to continuing to build and grow with this newspaper.
A new year is not too long away...time to drop the old. Make room for the NEW!
Happy New Year!