Musings from Copenhagen
Part of the process of writing this book has meant going through my dozens of journals - an olympian feat in and of itself. This reflection is humbling - it has revealed to me how fast I tend to move. My animal totem lately is the turtle- I need to slow down. I've also included some more healthy habits into my life and enjoying more quiet. The other day I visited a friend who lives on one of Denmark's many islands, and it was so beautiful. No matter how old I am I will always be fascinated by nature and the Danish countryside, like all other parts of the world where nature is left to her own devices, is remarkable. I look forward to spending more time with her and getting my hands in the dirt. Farming and writing, yeah- that's my next step...
In the meantime I've found an amazing apartment and am enjoying having a space that I can stay for a minute. I live in a great neighbourhood and would you believe that it's just as quiet as when I lived on the boat? Yeah. So nice. There are so many gorgeous buildings where I live - the architecture in Copenhagen is breathtaking and there are so many options to take walks -- I can walk over to the water and see the Little Mermaid, I can walk around the lakes, I can walk to Fælledparken -- and the weather has been perfect lately.
Wishing you healing and inspiration,