Say Yes to Your Writing by saying No to those Dirty Dishes

You are not alone. Think of all the others who have come before you, who have faced themselves and loved and cherished the spirits/ characters which have come to them. Writers are conjurers. Don't be fooled.

cervantes, baldwin, naipaul, morrison, kinkaid, douglass, langston, Rosa Guy, lorde, C.L.R. James, Alice Walker, Zora, Maxine Hong Kingston,Wolfram von Eschenbach, Thelonious, Faulkner, black stalin, nina, marx, baraka, marley, Wheatley, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ralph Ellison.

The power of the ancestors beckon you. Writing is the expression of the unity of the universe if you are true to yourself and true to your calling. Writing is the ghost that haunts you until you bow down to the Almighty and say, "I accept," and then that ghost transforms to an Angel that guides you and protects you. It is a duty and it is a way to make that difference you long to make. Say yes to your destiny.


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