The Giant Plunge

I have had this weird feeling in my body all day--an anxiety that usually comes about from too much caffeine. But I have only had one cup of coffee today and I try to breathe all the way down to the bottom of my lungs to settle the fluttering of my heart.
Ben and I took a lovely walk along the harbor and managed not to piss each other off. We enjoyed each other's company, and I managed to realize that when I gave him a jovial shove, it was really because I wanted to kiss him. I didn't kiss him though and wondered when I would stop being a coward when it came to love.
I did order herbal tea instead of coffee and felt proud that I made a constructive decision for myself. The tea however, did not settle my anxiety.
As we parted (we kissed this time) and I continued my walk, I realized what the root of my anxiety was. It was because I am in a space in my life I have specifically avoided for most of my adult life--a stability and quiet necessary to completing my novel. It is because I have now successfully stripped my life down to the bare necessities simply so that I can do what I am born to do--and that is write.
I can not hide behind my job, my son, my partner or my friends anymore. I am here, complete and perfectly as Lesley Ann Brown, the woman who is working on her novel.


k renee said…
"I have now successfully stripped down my life to the bare necessities. . . to get to the quiet required." Sister, I hear you. That is what is happening with me. Lesley you have been on this path for some time--a pilgrim you are, for you are not the same--and it takes a while to truly understand what is personally required of us in this writing life. Quiet enough to hear. We are supposed to be listening, right? Isn't that what Brother Ed Bradley tried to tell us time and time again? You have shapeshifted your life so that you can write. That profound life understanding takes time and some doing. You already have the victory, girl! And thank you for your poem and your posts about Kai. Please please please keep them up. They are affirming and sustaining. I love you! Keep writing, star.

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