Sitting in an Apartment

in Copenhagen while the sun is shining (finally!) outside and preparing for the week ahead. i'm in the process of completing a cd homegrown, with some beats by Woody & words by yours truly so if you wanna copy email me and i'll send you one for free...
vibrations are high & each movement, thoughts or otherwise, springs forth from soil i seek to constantly fertilize from within.
lately i've been focusing on the similarities, not the differences and that helps.
i can really feel the difference when I utter positive things and when I don't.
i'm really missing my grandmother and hope i am blessed enough to hear her snoring bore through the house, late at night.
the more you focus on the positive, the bigger it all becomes.
denmark can be beautiful if you let down the fortress around your heart.
my son formed a rock band, it's called hot ketchup. how cool is that?
he also devised a cartoon series called tv is wrong...the main character is a tv set and his name is color. his little brother is remote!
i hope to live long enough to be able to grow dasheen right outside my window. i don't know, there is something about that plant that evokes very strong emotions from me. having a house with some breeze, somewhere in the caribbean and i could just peak out and see a patch of dasheen bush...hmmmmmm. it was trip seeing the same bush grow out in maui. that plant must have some royal beginnings. think of the many people it has sustained. i guess breadfruit does the same for me too.
yesterday my friend p & i (she's also from brooklyn) ate sushi. we giggled our whole way through as i wolfed down kimchi (i love kimchi) and she ate her sushi with a knife and fork. its like i can't help being this loud american when i'm around the quiet and cultivated danes. ha!
who am i kidding, i'm a loud american no matter where i go.
i have a rock right by my's a rock i wrote hildred 06 on. it's a rock my grandmother picked up from the beach when she was here...
i still can't believe that she was here! that she spent her 82nd birthday here with me. i don't think she realized how much that trip has invigorated and encouraged me. it's amazing the way in which we can touch each other's lives, isn't it.
as my girl stinne says, you know, ms. stinne with the fabulous store LOVE LIVING in nørrebro, love & light y'all!

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