And the Fish...

I can't forget to tell you that when I got home today, one of our fish was dead... I think the goldfish bullied it to death. :-(
That meant I had to take care of the goldfish... :-(
Having pets is not easy!
But anyway, on a more pleasant note, I also wanted to thank Michael and Reggie for coming over the day before my last New York Day. Reggie and I go back to the days when the Barnes & Nobles on Astor Place was in fact, a Conran's Habitat (that's for all the REAL old school folk) and we've been friends ever since. Michael is his very amazing and I do so approve partner in life (and crime?).
I also forgot to mention John's insisting on my stopping by Random House to see Chris Jackson. It wasn't that I didn't want to see Chris, it was more that I was beginning to stress because I hadn't packed yet but again, I thankfully let John talk me into it and I was very happy I did.
I met Chris Jackson years ago. I remember we ate at Gonzales Gonzales on Broadway. Anyway, he is an executive editor at Spiegel & Grau, a division of Random House and the visit was inspiring and fun. We sat and talked about what we all love most: books. What more can you ask for?

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