Gone Too Long

You know I've been gone from New York too long when I buy a pair of kid's socks for six dollars! I don't know what I was thinking--between Kai pulling on me and demanding my attention and the frustrated, burnt out rock & roller salesguy, I lost myself for a minute. It was that easy.
A couple of evenings ago my brother drove us from my sister's in PA back to New York. It was a good trip at my sisters, and my sister and I figured out that it has been 7 years since we all were together like that. Six years. Just like that.
Kai is enjoying the trip immensely. He recognizes that when he returns to Denmark, he will now have a whole new host of people to miss. But I reassure him that the trick is enjoying where you are in the present. You master that and then you ok.
Yesterday my brother and his daughter Geriah, drove in to see us before they began their nine hour journey back to Ohio. He brought us rotis and we took a short walk around the neighborhood. They were filming Law & Order on the block, so it was a real New York City moment.
After they took off I grew a bit sad. On the one hand I long to return to the home I have created in Denmark, but on the other hand, I recognize all that I have given up and it is a lot.
Marie was talking about going to a party last night and so we held her under house arrest. We sat on the stoop, under the healthy trees interrupted only by the passing helicopters every so often. The evening air was fresh and full of life and seemed to celebrate that we were all there together, at that moment on that stoop: Clemenza, Debbie, Kai, Marie and Tony Medina.
Yeah, Tony came by last night. I haven't seen Tony in YEARS but at the same time, it seems as though he was never really, that far away. Tony's mother passes away last month and I can see he's living in that twilight zone between what has passed on and what is still here. When I get back to Denmark I'm going to work on getting Tony over there, among other New York Poets.
I'm just chilling before the big flight. No major plans, keeping it all very simple. I prefer it that way. My friend Rayner, whom I have known since college will be here later and I am very much looking forward to seeing him. You know those friends who make your heart swell and your lips smile? The kind of friend that makes it all feel alright? That's Rayner.
On another note, a bookstore in downtown Manhattan has agreed to carry a couple of copies of my book, The Organist's Daughter. So that's definitely a step in the right direction. Could not have done it without Clemenza and Debbie and all the love and support I been getting up in here. Speaking of which, Lisa came by yesterday and bought two copies. Life is good and I am thankful.
Did I mention the other day that I found this anthology, called Freedomways, and in it a peice by Lennox Raphael? I wanted to bring it back with me, but alas, I must limit my bulk! But how cool is that?
People I want to see before I return: Reggie, Karen Good, Patrik H. Bass, Rayner, Arthur Flowers, Tony Medina, tjade, Morgan Meis and Shuffy, John McGregor...but we'll see. Hopefully, there will be another time.
On that note, I close and as my trip here winds to a end I would just like to take a moment to thank my New York City crew: You guys are the BEST.

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