My plant
In case some of you are wondering what's up with the plant...well, let's just say that I finally invested in a camera so that I can post pictures directly to my blog...and this was a test & boy is it successful!
Interesting day. Again, ask the universe for something and it comes. I needed some words of wisdom and boy did I get it! No matter how far ahead in the game you think you are, the Universe always sucker punches you and shows you who really is the BOSS. Boy am I humbled.
Had dinner with Claudius today and we both got to bounce the goings-on in our lives off the other. It's good to talk to someone who listens and who you also feel compelled to listen to. I remember when I first met Claudius, man, it must have been like 20 years ago in CBGB's! I'm not kidding! And he had dreadlocks. I met him through Lisa, who is now Elisa Donovan and who'd a thunk he'd end up here in Copenhagen? Well, I'm glad he did cause his friendship is greatly appreciated. It's wonderful having someone to bounce ideas off of and who tells you, hey! Stop being so hard on yourself!!! In the end, friendship shines through and again, for the millionth time, I have to gloat and say, I AM A LUCKY WOMAN. And I say this after licking the bitter depths of the abyss and realizing you know what? I don't wanna be there no more!