I grew up Catholic so when I was a little girl, I read all these books about women and men who willingly let themselves burn at the stake out of their love for God. I read about beautiful women who rejected wealthy, handsome men because they would rather be bar-b-q'ed than divulge in earthly pleasures. I grew up with this crazy story of this woman who gave birth without having sex (HUH???) for a God who not only didn't even ask her, but didn't even have the nerve to show up himself and announce that hey, you know what, you're gonna be having my baby. Nah. She just kind of had to carry the burden of being pregnant and luckily, as the story goes, she had a guy to protect her, you know Joseph, the carpenter (every one loves carpenters!)
So it's no wonder I got this Catholic Girl complex. I even went to Catholic School in Trinidad. I mean, I swear, the other day, I was looking at this picture of myself and I was ADMIRING my flawless forehead. I mean, I was amazed at how perfectly shaped it was. I don't do this often: Appreciate myself. And then what happens? I fall and get this big ass bruise that refuses to go away. My vanity is punished ruthlessly by the heavens. I'm cool though, I mean, as long as I don't have to look at myself, I mean, who cares?
It's just that I can't seem to do any wrong. Whenever I want to do something that's just not kosher, I mean, I really have to devise plans and go all out of the way to be devious. Why can't it just show up at my door, with no consequences, like, once every blue moon? Why does it take extra energy, especially since I have none and let's face it, at 35? I'm just not gonna do the work. Let's face it, it is much easier to do good than to do bad. To do good requires that you just stick to the program you have already started, to say no to distractions that take you off the path you are currently on. Well, at least in my life anyway.
So I've accepted it. I've accepted God's plan--I am now officially a Saint. It's ok if the Catholic Church don't recognize me, cause let's face it, I don't even recognize them, but remember from now on? I'm Saint LAB.