A Note from My Guardian Angel

My great epiphany of last week - Give up the fight. I realized that when I am defending/arguing even explaining or justifying really just comes from a need to convince the other person that my way of thinking is right, which actually shows that underneath I feel unsure of my right to have my own opinion or that I doubt myself in some other way. Soooo-- I deducted that by giving up and letting the other person figure out their own moral codes means not to be weak or afraid, it just means I can have more fun and give up the crusade of trying to change the way others see things – i.e. giving them back their responsibility to figure out how to do the right thing, act or respond in the right way etc (and when I say right – I mean right for them – whatever their overall learning experience embraces). This means I am free to “know” my way is right for me. We do not need to carry the moral welfare of others on our shoulders but can sit back gently secure in the knowledge that our intentions are not to harm and are correct for us (from our perspective). Simply - No more self doubt –ever.

We just need to get out there and do our own things – knowing that the right people will be drawn to whatever we all personally have to offer (our personal life path). No need to feel less than anyone ever. A wise woman once told me ‘if it makes your heart sing – do it, if it doesn’t, don’t”

Love L


Absolutely. I agree!

I always have to question my motives if I am trying to get someone to see the "right" thing.

Usually it is out of my own need to be right, or be respected or simply listened to (and appreciated).

I have found that the best way to lead--if you choose-- is by example and if folks are interested in what you've got going on, they'll eventually come around and ask you--or follow you subconsciously.

It's not worth breaking down relationships with those we love simply for the sake of being 'right'.
Vakker Kvinne said…
Thank you for writing this. . .I really needed to read this. Do you mind if I post a link to it on my blog?

Mes Deux Cents said…
Hi Blackgirl on mars,

For me expressing my thoughts and opinions helps me to refine them. So when I am debating a point it's really for me.

I hope the other person will get something from what I say but I'm really developing 'self' as I speak.

Great post and blog!

esk said…

I really like your blog...when I saw that you were from NY, I was like: Whoa! I actually lived on Flatbush Ave for awhile before staying Queens for a minute.

Kudos to you for writing your book...

And I'm with you, no point in trying to beat someone over the head with "your views." Although, I'm always up for a good debate. I like to hear others' views and see what I can learn new...


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