If I Was In New York... (sigh)

“QUILOMBO COUNTRY,” New Documentary about Black Rebel Villages of Brazil,
In Debut Run at the Pioneer Theater in NYC, September 19-25, 2008
– Narrated by Public Enemy’s Chuck D

WHAT: Debut run of “Quilombo Country”
WHEN: Fri, Sept 19 – Thurs, Sept 25, 2008. Most shows at 7 pm.
WHERE: Pioneer Theater, Ave. A & 3rd Street, NYC
PLUS: Q&A with director Leonard Abrams after Fri & Sat shows.
CONTACT: Leonard Abrams at 212-260-7540, leonard@quilombofilm.com
or Marjorie Sweeney Publicity at marjorie.sweeney@mac.com

"Quilombo Country," the award-winning documentary about Brazilian villages founded by escaped and rebel slaves,
will have its premiere theatrical run at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater from Friday, September 19th to Thursday,
September 25th every evening at 7 pm. The film is narrated by Chuck D, the legendary poet, media commentator
and leader of the iconic hip hop band Public Enemy. The Pioneer Theater is located in the heart of New York City's
ast Village at 155 East 3rd Street near Avenue A. The film's creator, writer-director Leonard Abrams, will take
questions after the Friday and Saturday screenings. Seating is limited -- online purchase, especially for the Friday
and Saturday shows, is highly recommended. Go to http://www.twoboots.com/pioneer. Student discounts apply.

Brazil, once the world's largest slave colony, was brutal and deadly for millions of Africans. But many thousands
escaped and rebelled, creating settlements they called quilombos in Brazil's untamed hinterland. Largely unknown
to the outside world, these communities struggle today to preserve a rich heritage born of resistance to oppression.

"Quilombo Country" explores Afrobrazilian village life among the forests and rivers of northern Brazil, with rare
footage of festivals and ceremonies that blend Catholic, African and native Amazonian rituals and customs, including
the use of dance, drumming, tobacco and other sacred plants to facilitate the communication between the spiritual
and material worlds. "Quilombo Country" is alive with first-person accounts of racial conflict, cultural ferment,
political identity, and the struggle for land and human rights.

If you can't make it to New York, find out how to see the film at http://www.quilombocountry.com. Journalists and
educators may write to leonard@quilombofilm.com or call 212-260-7540 to receive a copy for review for publication or
possible institutional purchase.

"Wonderfully rich...Abrams's grainy, intimate portrait of the difficult everyday life of contemporary quilombo residents
refuses romanticization."
– Black Camera

"Persuasive, complex, and timely."
– Southern Quarterly

"Outstanding footage of festivals, parties and religious ceremonies."
– In These Times

"Winner, Best Documentary, 2007"
– Black International Cinema Berlin festival

"Quilombo Country"
2006 • USA • Color • Digital 4:3 • Running time: 73 minutes
Website: http://www.quilombocountry.com


Lenoxave said…
I wish I was there to see it as well. I'll be back home @ the end of October. Darn. Hope all is well with you.
Fly Brother said…
Cool site, BGOM; hope to read more. Some related info to this post: there's a university in Sao Paulo with the express purpose of having at least 50% of its student body be Afro-Brazilian, named after the leader of the largest quilombo of the colonial era, Palmares. The website is here: http://www.unipalmares.edu.br. It's in Portuguese, but you can check out a PDF file of the program from their first graduation ceremony back in March. It's beautiful seeing our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora earn degrees at a government-supported institution named after the first Afro-Brazilian hero.

Stop by my spot sometime.


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