My summer was wrought with realities from which I am still reeling...going home always seem to rip at the paper thin semblance of sanity you thought you had so artfully put together. I'm sure you know what I mean...I apologize for the silence...
the lab
I want to be able to indulge in the beauty of the intense love and connection with my fam, but at the same time, I want to preserve the artfully constructed distance I've built between us.
I don't want to go back to being the person I used to be. I want to love them with my new understanding. I don't choose to believe that in order to re-connect, I have to somehow return to the person I used to be.
I hope they don't think I'm aloof, or worse, uppity or condescending. At the same time, I hope I don't feel compelled to feel guilty for trying to preserve my sanity!