
I'm sick! My body feels like crap and my throat, like sandpaper. One of the things that really sucks about getting older is that you have to act like an adult all the time. This includes still preparing food for the offspring even when you are sick.
This means having to figure out things like interest (oh boy do I wish I bothered to learn that in high school) and having the courage to live the life you dare to live.
But it's all good. Sunday is the day to rest, and so it's just me, my remote and television (with a copy of Morrison's A Mercy just in case I get ambitious...)


Carolyn Vines said…
My wake-up call to motherhood came the first time I was sick and still had to take care of my baby. I called my own mother who told me her mother always said that mother's didn't even have time to get sick. That wisdom being handed down from generation to generation is all good, but wouldn't we rather have some useful tips to get through these times. I hope
you get better soon. I'd love to hear what you think of Morrison's book!
"..having the courage to live the life you dare to live."

Thank you for that. I needed to hear that right now. I'm rotating between, "Am I courageous or just stupid?"

For realz. *Grin*

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