Everybody Loves the Sunshine--Especially the Danes!

This morning as I dropped my son off to school, I swallowed my tears. My baby is off on his ski trip today, which means that we will be apart for over a week. It's the longest time we tend to be apart. Being away from him always conjures a mixed bag of feelings: sorry because I will sorely miss his presence in my life and a little bit of eagerness to focus, wholly, on all the little projects I have going on in my life. Just goes to show that one can never have everything. But I will use my time away from him wisely, and ensure that when next we meet, he will have a mother with a full tank of patience and love.
As I made my way through Christianshavn towards the metro station, I passed a woman on her morning walk with her dog. A car drove past as the sun shone brightly on the ribbons of water that makes its way through the canals. She yelled to the passing car, with windows conveniently rolled down: "Så! Solen skinner igen!" I smiled because it is true: the sun is shining again.
There is something that happens to Copenhagen when the sun is released from the gray grip of winter: Smiles shine out of people's faces and there is an extra energy, a hospitality, that reaches out from hearts and touches those that walk the streets. Yes, Copenhagen becomes a city transformed, the quintessential toad, kissed by the sun, transformed into your prince.

Before another round of parent-teacher conferences I took a walk around Frederiksberg. I became transformed with the way the sun touched the face of a brick wall. The wall basked in the attention, and as I walked slowly by, I took a snapshot with my soul and asked that I remember this image forever.
Tomorrow I am off for a well-deserved vacation to Mallorca. I would have preferred Corsica, but that will come when the time is ready. Right now, I can not complain. I have never been to Mallorca, and the thought of an unexplored island is relief enough to stay my restless soul.
the lab


Girl, when I lived in London the Brits would take their shirts off and sunbathe in the park as soon as the sun broke the clouds and it was even the least bit warm.

But I understood and understand that sunshine makes people happy.

I am pleased to give you an award today. I hope you have a chance to pick it up:
Ibou said…
It's same thing here in Stockholm when spring and sun arrives. The city transforms. It's very nice.

Enjoy your vacation!
Peace, Ibou

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