Anonymous Said...
Anonymous said...
Hi, I absolutely love your blog! I just came across it yesterday while searching about living as American in Denmark. I am curious to know if danish men are attracted to black women (primarly american/west indian). What is your experience with them? Is there alot of interracial marriages/dating with black women and white men? Sorry for putting you on the spot. Im just curious :)!!!
again, i am not saying we should avoid probing into all this. i am just saying we should be prepared for all that we will dredge up. but, hey, sometimes if we don't know (and interrogate!) where we came from we don't know where we are going.
One of the main questions that arises from this, is, what is the evolutionary function of relationships and working from that point, in terms of power, could be helpful in what you are putting out there. But there are so many ways to interpret things...
While I muse over humanity's capacity to love each other, despite differences, there is a grotesque distortion involved in the process of exotifying the other...that we may all do it is an open question. Again, I can't help but think of Baartman, for example, and so I tend to approach this topic from this angle. Again, who has the power? How is it used? There is a famous Danish writer here who has made quite a name for himself, for example, due to his very public openness with exotifying the Black woman: specifically in Haiti. The socio-economic implications of this is sickening. How many others have the luxury of building such careers? I know it is the status quo, but again, I am committed to commenting on this.