Purest Me
Today Pim passed away.
Pim was my son's hamster. I had a funny relationship with him because I was, well, afraid of him. This fear usually crops up when we become distant from something, like nature.
I started to work on getting to know Pim . I ended up rising in love with him. I appreciated re-connecting with how interwoven it all is, how clearly Pim communicated with me. It was truly humbling to experience how intelligent and loving he is.
I began taking Pim out of his cage so that he could explore more interesting horizons (my apartment).
I don't think any living creature should spend its life in a cage. That's a hard belief to hold onto when you live in a city, cause in the end, I feel like I'm living in a cage...but I do know that, without doubt, freedom is sweeter than confinement...
But what is freedom?
What are the things that confine?
Is it you calling me yours
& me calling you mine?
Or is it the wages, the taxes
all the demands on your time,
running around in sphericals
going outside of your mind.
When I started this blog, I was aware of a few things. I was aware that I wanted to share my "job"--and when I say "job" I mean purpose. My purpose has been clear ever since I was a child and witnessed all that I did, my purpose is, through sharing with you my observations on life and my experiences, is to bring you, as I bring myself, closer to the purest you.
The purest you?
The purest me.
This means having a dialogue with yourself and others without media language. That's finding out what really matters to you--and finding out what matters is easy. Take a look at your life. You will see your thoughts manifested into matter all around you. And the things that are most obvious to you, the ones that you find yourself thinking about more than others are the things that become matter all around you. Are they in line with the purest you?
Now, although finding out what matters is easy, being able to respond with what you see is another story. Being responsible--that is able to respond, is the key to unblocking stuck cycles in the mechanism of your soul. When I do this simple exercise, I realize that there are many things I have set up in my life, that according to my purest soul, does not matter, but here it is, right in front of my eyes!
Like living in a city. I've become such a cliche. I mean, having this urge to move out to the countryside--having land and growing my own food. That's what I run around saying I want to do--but I am not doing it. I have been caught in this cycle of not being able to respond to the fact that I have built up a life that does not reflect the purest me. Ugh.
The purest you is your sovereign soul. Untethered but to universal power. Being in connection with your sovereign soul means you don't need to connect on the internet, but the inner-net of your being. It means knowing where your heart is, and how it beats, and discovering how the vibration of your voice changes and how that effects every iota of your being to the core. The purest you is discovering that there have been a lot of things placed between the identity of you society has participated in molding, and the you that was born onto this planet, in your essence, and how that process has been tampered with from even before conception...
So, Blackgirl on Mars...what has it all been about? What will it continue to be? What about all these issues of identity? Am I Black? American? Trinidadian? Danish? African? Indian? European? How about a soul who has access to all of this, and more? How about recognizing that the story of one people, is the story of all people and that all creation has a purpose?
When I was growing up, the adults around me continued to do what they were told. My family clung to a religion that was forced upon their ancestors. The very social fabric of their lives were based on a plantocracy based on spirit-breaking practices that were sure to be passed on from generation to generation. My father abused his children, because, as he said himself, he was. My mother insisted on being tight-lipped about sexuality, because her mother was tight-lipped about sexuality. Rather than recognizing and admitting how complicated that made her own life, she continued the same behavior with me. I'm not angel--I too have found myself passing on to my child aspects of behavior that is rooted in inauthenticity.
& what's Mars got to do with it? Mars is war. I'm tired of war. But there is war on this planet. War within, war without. People walking around with anxiety, as though something is about to happen. The pharmaceuticals profit and the quality of our lives deterioriate as we cross our fingers and hope life would at least get back to how it looked in the 50s...not realizing the process that had taken grip on our minds the day we encountered his story in our schoolbooks.
Mars is action.
That means birthing messages through my creations for the universe.
This is the Bandit Queen Press quest...finding the purest states of universe and calling them forth for all to see, so that we all can rise up in love. Not fall in it.
Untethered but to soul.
Rest in Ease Pim.
in ease,
the lab