Escaping New York

Sometimes when you have to accept a reality, and deal with a reality, you end up stifling other possibilities if only because their presence could be painful. When I left New York, almost 11 years ago, I was ready to leave. Most true-New Yorkers, and by true, I mean those of us who were either born and/or grew up in this magical area of the world have a love/hate relationship with this city. A friend once said that living in New York is like being in a dysfunctional relationship: you know you should get out, but you stay...
So escaping New York was for me, and quite a few other, fellow New Yorkers quite a victory. Let me explain. You ever heard that expression: the city that never sleeps? Well, it's not an exaggeration. There is always something to do here. Take for example this past Wednesday night--the city was just as alive as if it were a weekend. Even in Brooklyn. But the problem is, what happens with most things when it doesn't get any sleep? It gets this delirious from sleep-deprivation. New York is like that...the delirious energy is not always good for someone like me: But God, I love it.
New Yorkers are so friendly. My battery went out in my camera yesterday and this guy in the camera store charged it for me. As my girl Debbie and I eat at Caravan of Dreams, the young lady sitting and writing our side begins to chat with us. The cab-driver from Southern India turns his music up when Rayner and I tell him we that we dig it. The Korean cab driver the other night grabs my hand as I exit the cab, looks me in the eyes and says, "Take care."
I know that I am looking at New York with smitten eyes. But it is a powerful thing to experience the power of coming home. I will always be a New Yorker. Brooklyn girl first, of course, but a New Yorker never-the-less.
the lab


Lenoxave said…
I hear you. When I left 6 years ago, I was exhausted. Just plain ole tired. I go back often to giet my "fix." NY is like a drug. It really is. lol.

I never got the whole Nyers aren't friendly bit. Of course we are. Try asking for directions, ppl will do their best to help you out.

I'll be there for a few weeks w/the family. I'm going to run myself ragged and love every bit of it.
O h i am s o glad that i found your blog through Trini on a Rock. Another brown gurl in this crazy country. yes, and another new yorka in this crazy country.
but i live in the wilderness of århus in jutland - at least you live in their version of civilization.
so nice to "hear" someone else here writing about caravan of dreams. yum.

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