
I'm sitting in Newark Airport waiting to get on my flight. Turns out I missed my flight by a day...I've got this thing where sometimes I see things on paper but it doesn't register. For some reason I had it in my brain I was leaving on Tuesday but returning on Wednesday...I knew something seemed strange about it but man, there has been so much on my I missed my flight and had to buy a totally new ticket to get to Copenhagen. Don't ask.
The SAS ticket guy was a real jerk. I loved the woman at British Airways who helped me out. She couldn't give me a discount, but hey, they got me on a flight so that I can see my son...whom I miss immensely.
This is the first time I have been to New York and not that cool about leaving...
Anyway...what a trip. As I sit in the airport CNN is on and I overhear that they will execute the DC Sniper...they describe how they will do so, lethal injection. As I sit in the U.S....they are about to execute a man.
On my drive to the airport, as I looked at the vast expanse of land that is the East Coast I couldn't help thinking how much I love this country. I know the U.S. has its idiosynchrocies (how do you spell that flippin word?)--if execution could be termed that...but there is something about the potential of this country that really gets me. I mean, there is something wonderful about the diversity of New York, and trust me, I know New York is not your typical U.S. city...but to be honest, I have traveled around the U.S. a bit and Americans are well...just nice. We, like many others around the globe, can be so open and warm...
So, cause I had to buy a new ticket, they had to "select" me for "special screening" which ended up being my being jetted up to √the front of the line, through security and so I didn't have to wait on the god-awful line...
I have had an amazing trip. I have taken some fabulous pictures and have walked the path of my childhood. I must now return to Copenhagen to finish up what I have started but man, if I live long enough, I'm going to make New York City my base and travel from here...the truth is I never want to stay one place. But when i go home, I really want it be the Big Apple.
And for the record...I am so against the death penalty.


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