Things Happen for a Reason...


I read about what happened at the airport. I am so sorry to hear about you missing your flight. It is kind of strange when you think about it -- at the exact time that you were supposed to be in the air you were at the reflexologist experiencing a bit of healing and having a great conversation with someone who I am sure will necessarily be in your future. The actual ticket that you had to get for the error may have set you back a bit, but what you gained as far as spiritual enlightenment is concerned is absolutely priceless.

It was such a pleasure seeing you, girl. I do mean that sincerely. You are far from an angel in disguise. You are an angel in broad daylight. And it is amazing to watch you continually grow into the person that you are becoming, each and every day, in a way that seems effortless but that clearly takes hard work. Go 'head girl. Keep holding it down in Copenhagen.

My warmest regards to Kai and Benjamin. I am sure they are thrilled to have you back. Always remember, though, that New York will be waiting for you with open arms and love each and every time you return.



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