Annals of moving part 1

Zanubia and Maya both came over to assist me in the process of organizing and cleaning out. After years of sitting in my apartment and contemplating my priorities - I have finally decided to lighten up my life a lot. This means doing a serious passing on or throwing out.
Zanubia is a young 18 year old whose parents hail from Somalia. Zanubia is Sucdi's big sister, and was a student in my first class. Maya was as well. Zanubia is one of those students who always set herself apart from the rest by her genuine interest in wanting to understand what is going on in the world. She's also a bit sneaky too - since while we were in the basement going through boxes, she was secretly filming on her iPhone! lol
Maya was also in this class - this was the same class that my former colleague and I took to Amsterdam- and she's also the daughter of Glen Garner, an American Danish artist who resides here in Copenhagen.  Glen is like really tall - and so is Maya. Both girls are growing so beautifully - it's a source of great joy for me.  Maya is also an amazingly intellectually sharp young lady, who has a great balance of grace and presence about her.  Her drawings are quite good as well.
Books and clothes are always the hardest to let go of, especially since I have a great collection of both. But I am committed to living much simpler and only having what I "need".  It will also assist in helping move on to this  new juncture in my life.
Yesterday morning in the basement, as I was doing my laundry, I bumped into one of the other tenants of this building.  We started to talk and I told her that I had sold my apartment and that I will be moving out. My coop is nice - beautiful. It's well kept and my apartment is beyond cozy. It's a great neighborhood. But I've been here for 5 years now and after all this time, I have to admit that there is something about this whole setup that is just not me. I'm inspired by the idea that I can truly live my dream life. And what I mean by that is, in the end, the ability to write, have a home, and continue to contribute to my community.
There is a lot going on in the world today and I'm utterly convinced that the only way to instigate any change is through real time and real meetings. I spend, like so many others, a lot of time on the computer. After taking a year or so hiatus, I'm back on Facebook- for better or worse. I'm appreciating what it's good for, but have been reminded quickly about my stubborn aversion to it. There's a lot to say - and I'm working behind the scenes on putting it all together.  But suffice it to say that the Danish National Party - a party notorious for its hard racist tone - is now the majority party in Denmark. This has been a fact for quite some time now, but in truth, sometimes the only way a woman can survive, is through the wonderful art of putting blinders on.
More later,

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