What My Life Looks Like

gifts i walk around with in my bag (in an effort to post)

What my life looks like:

today i had the distinct pleasure of meeting up with Isabella and Sucdi. Isabella and Sucdi were both in the last class that I was class teacher for, before I made the very difficult decision to quit my job teaching. Isabella and Sucdi are both incredibly intelligent young ladies who are curious about life and hungry for truth. today we talked about everything from ferguson to current goings-on in denmark. 
apartments that i sell
comrades give me strength

it is refreshing to experience how concerned and interested these young ladies are about the world and humanity. It gives me hope about our future. over our knitting, we were able to touch subjects that they admitted to me that they felt they don't get to talk about enough. i am truly happy to have these young ladies in my life. we decided to take our talk over to the local cafe at vesterport st. on our way there we spy a brother who spies us but pretends not too. after overhearing my answer to the girls' wanting to know what i was up to (working hard to shake the chattels of my enslavement off- was my joke of a reply) - he turned around and in no time atall we learn that he is from haiti - and his name? moses. moses had some very interesting historical antidotes to share with us today. i will share them with you when i learn all that i can about what he presented today. it's a scandalous story- and one i have never heard that involves swedish royalty, massacre and  people. that's leave it at that for now. 

friend's cooking fortifies
On another note, I am learning the art of letting go. And it feels good. And empowering.  One of the biggest lessons I have learned the last few years is how important it is to be true to  yourself. 

Whenever I stray off that path, the universe is sure to give me a huge whack in the head. On the other side however, I am humbled by the power of letting go to make room to create the life that ensures that I live my purpose. 

The knitting group reconvened today for the first time this year. It was wonderful and uplifting to be together again. Today we met at Shabana's house. She spoiled us and made us homemade Pakistani food. Delicious. It was good to see each other today and exchange stories and experiences. Today Deena entertained us about stories of Obama in his early political days in Hawaii.  
the universe provides with trust

Meanwhile, here are two pictures I received via email today. Funnily enough, the first one, from Karen Good, which was taken in the 90s came in the morning. And the other, from my nephew Wa - is what met me when I came home. Thanks guys. It's wonderful to have a window into the past: I truly forgot those two looks! ;-)
pictures you didn't know your friend had
(courtesy of karen r. good)

holding my nephew sometime in the 80s on Herkimer Street!
(thanks Wa for sending this!)

farvel fra danmark,
the lab

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